Beauty and the Beast fans can rejoice at the longer look at the new film opening March 17th. That may seem like a lifetime away, but the holidays will fly by and before you know it, we’ll all be stepping foot in the Beast’s castle again.
I’m especially interested in seeing the enchanted household helpers, like Lumiere and Cogsworth, as well as LaFou, since they are perhaps the least “human-looking” of all the characters in the original movie. Here is the newest trailer:
What do you think? It looks visually stunning and with stars like Emma Watson and Ewan McGregor, Sir Ian McKellan, Emma Thompson, and Stanley Tucci, it can’t go wrong, in my opinion. It also reminds me fondly of the “Beauty and the Beast” tv series from the late 80’s starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton, which I was a little obsessed with back in the day. Below are some more released official images from the film:
What are you most looking forward to seeing when Beauty and the Beast opens March 17th?
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