I will admit, up until now, I was one of those “I don’t need a guide!” guests that just wanted to discover them on my own without a book to lead the way. I will also admit after reading Steve’s book, I am a complete convert! The first thing I had to do was pry the book away from my 10 year-old son long enough to read it. The fact that he got so enthralled by this book speaks volumes. He is at the age where he likes to pretend he’s ‘too cool’ for lots of Disney things (I have no doubt it’s a phase, he’s being brought up in a Disney household, it’s a way of life ;)) but with this book he couldn’t contain his excitement. Every other minute was a new comment of, “Wow there’s one here…we have to find that!” as well as, “This guy must’ve spent forever finding all of these!” (He was very impressed with your book & work, Mr. Barrett!) His reaction and excitement really warmed my heart – and we hadn’t even gotten to the parks yet!
Building on this new phenomenon, author Steven M. Barrett, an Orlando-area emergency room physician by day, decided to record many of the Hidden Mickeys into book form, for all guests to follow along as they toured the parks. Now enjoying its 4th edition, the Hidden Mickeys Field Guide is published in a thin paperback design, so it’s perfect to carry around with you or slip into a diaper bag or purse without being cumbersome as you walk around the parks.
Now don’t go thinking this book is just a collection of all the Hidden Mickeys for you to find and check-off like a grocery list. Oh no, it’s much more than that. The book is designed like a scavenger hunt. The Hidden Mickeys are organized by location, but listed as clues, with points for each depending on the level of difficulty in spotting them. You can decide if you prefer to find them as a group, or individually: awarding the points to whomever finds the Mickey first, or grouping your total points together.
If scavenger hunts aren’t your thing, you don’t have to use the points at all! Additionally, if the clues in the scavenger hunt section still have you puzzled, there is a “Hints” section for each chapter which gives more extensive info on the Hidden Mickeys in question. If you’d rather just check a specific place you are currently visiting, the index in the back of the book lists the pages where you can find the Mickey clues in each locale. Steve really has thought of everything!
As with all things Disney, they are sometimes subject to change. Steve encourages readers to check out his website HiddenMickeysGuide.com for up-to-date information on new and eliminated Hidden Mickeys. The site is a great place to get confirmation that what you found on your quest is the same Mickey described in the book, with 1000’s of pictures to check out. If you find a new Hidden Mickey on your travels, just post it on the site. If it’s the first siting, you may even get mentioned in Steve’s next edition of the Hidden Mickey Field Guide.
note: I would like to thank The Intrepid Traveler for sending me the Hidden Mickey guides for this review. Look for a review of the Disneyland book in the coming weeks! Also, I have never met Steven Barrett, but I refer to him as Steve throughout this review in the spirit of Walt Disney’s “first name” policy. I hope to meet up with him some day and thank him in person!
I love that book, and carried it with me everywhere on my last trip! I think I saw that he has a cruise “book” that can be bought and downloaded…? Can’t wait to check out the website, too!
I love this book! My DD5 was so excited to find Hidden Mickeys on our trip this year…she even ‘created’ some herself and then would say “Look Mommy! It’s a hidden mickey!” She found a few on Spaceship Earth and at the WL. It was such a fun thing to do. I carried my book w/ me all over the park and got some weird looks but also got some ‘thumbs up’ from others carrying their books. I even found 1 or 2 HMs that weren’t in the book (at least not in the version I had – 3rd edition), and submitted them to Steve for his review. Not sure whether he ‘approved’ them or not. 🙂
Wow! Thanks for all the kind comments about my book! It’s rewarding to read positive comments about a personal passion such as Hidden Mickeys. If you see me in the parks, be sure to stop me and say hello. Warning: I’m usually on a mission! (And Zanna, I also appreciate good writing; you’ve got a way with words!)
Steven Barrett
Thank you so much, I can’t think of a better compliment except maybe from Mickey himself (and I think it’s hard for him to type 😉 ). It’s easy to write about your passions, right? I will definitely keep a look out for you in the parks, our next visit is to Kouzzina & MNSSHP on the 25th 🙂
Thank you again for the wonderful books and information for all Disney fans.
Wow! Thanks for all the kind comments about my book! It's rewarding to read positive comments about a personal passion such as Hidden Mickeys. If you see me in the parks, be sure to stop me and say hello. Warning: I'm usually on a mission! (And Zanna, I also appreciate good writing; you've got a way with words!)
Steven Barrett
Thank you so much, I can't think of a better compliment except maybe from Mickey himself (and I think it's hard for him to type 😉 ). It's easy to write about your passions, right? I will definitely keep a look out for you in the parks, our next visit is to Kouzzina & MNSSHP on the 25th 🙂
Thank you again for the wonderful books and information for all Disney fans.