We are now at week 11 of our Meet Your Moms Panel series here on ZannaLand and get to meet another dad – this time our first new dad from the 2010 panel, Chris G. These informal interviews are meant to be a jumping off point from the bios that appear on the DisneyWorldMoms.com site where you can learn about every panelist’s background and experience with Walt Disney World, and see their personal videos as well. Once you check them out there, you can get to know the panelists a little better here!
If the 2010 Moms Panel training trip were to have an official mascot of sorts, it would be Chris. I don’t mean that in a ‘he’d look great in a chicken-suit’ kind of way. Rather, he is someone I’d nominate for class president if we had such a thing. He was actually the first person I met at our reception when we were all nervous and excited to meet one another. He came right over and introduced himself (and to my surprise knew who I was) and was just such a wonderful, positive, exuberant presence in the room. This presence continued throughout training. He had not a bad word to say about a single person and was such a great storyteller we were all captivated by his words. His love of Disney AND his family was ever-present throughout training. It was easy to see why he was chosen to help others in a Disney capacity, since he is a teacher by profession and helps guide children on a daily basis. I was left with the knowledge that his students are very lucky indeed, as am I to know him! Please meet Chris —
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