Have I mentioned I love celebrations? I really do. It’s part of why I love December so much, it has my birthday AND Christmas 2 weeks after that. I’d celebrate something every day if it meant balloons and decorations and lots of pixie dust too of course. (I did briefly consider becoming a wedding planner just for the joy excitement of planning amazing parties…then I watched Bridezillas. ;))
Anyway, my friend and fellow Walt Disney World Moms Panelist Doug Ingersoll has been generous enough to donate not one but TWO codes to download his all new Walt Disney World Complete Travel Guide app for the iPhone or iPod Touch!
But wait, there’s more! (Sorry, no steak knives) The incomparable Lou Mongello of WDW Radio and Celebrations magazine fame (as if he needs an introduction?) has graciously given me a prize pack featuring some of his amazing theme park Audio Guides, issues of Celebrations Magazine AND his Walt Disney World Trivia Book. How cool is THAT??
How do you get a chance to win these fabulous prizes you ask?
Quite simply, just comment below and you’re entered to win!
Additional entries may be earned by:
- RT’ing about the contest on twitter (be sure to use @zannaland in your tweet so I can see it)
- Sharing on facebook or anywhere else – message boards, email groups, the possibilities are endless! 😉 Just link me to it here
- “Liking” the ZannaLand facebook group
- Joining Networked Blogs on facebook
- Joining Google Friend Connect (join in the box to the bottom right of the main site)
- Subscribing to our RSS feed or via email (box on the right of the main site)
If you’re already a member or subscriber, just let me know in a comment and I’ll count that too.
I only ask that you leave a separate comment for each entry, because that’s really the only way I can track entries and give you credit for each item. I apologize to my Canadian and International readers but this giveaway is only open to US mailing addresses.
I will be giving away 2 codes for the Walt Disney World Complete Travel Guide app, 1 set of all 3 Lou Mongello Audio Guides, 1 set of two Celebrations magazines, and 1 Walt Disney World Trivia Guide, for a total of FIVE prizes to win.
Giveaway ends July 9, 2010 at 11:59pm.
Thank you again for all your support and readership this past year, and special thanks to Doug and Lou for providing the prizes you are hoping to win!
Congrats on the anniversary! Here’s to another year!
Happy Anniversary! I tweeted, facebooked, linked, joined and set up my RSS for ya!
Congrats on a great first year and tons of pixie dust for many more
Woohooo! One year already! Wow, girl, and what an amazing year it has been! I remember this time last year, when you started up your twitter activity and the blog, and you helped me finally comprehend the Social Media impact with Disney fans. Sincere congratulations, gal, you are an inspiration!
Happy Anniversary!!!! Congrats!!!!!
RT’ed your announcement!
Fan on Facebook! Likety, Like, like!
Joined Networked Blogs on FB!
Google friend connected!! woohooo!
Subscribed to the RSS feed!!
And finally, added a FB post about your blog!
I Totally Love This Blog !!!! I cant wait to see what is next…Ariel
Goodness…time’s just flying. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!
I just love your blog! I’m a mother of 4 great kids and big time lover of Disney!
Here’s my second entry… “Liked” on facebook page!
Happy Anniversary Zanna! I can’t believe it’s already been a year! Congrats and I look forward to continuing to read the amazing blogs and adventures in being a Disney Mom! Quite the year!
congrats on one year!!!
barbs562 at gmail dot com
e-mail subscriber!
barbs562 at gmail dot com
google friend connected!! Barb
barbs562 at gmail dot com
Congratulations on your 1 year anniersary of the Zannaland Blog! Always enjoy reading your perspective on Disney World, especially with your well deserved addition to the Disney Mom’s Panel!
Congrats on your anniversary! 🙂
Congrats! Hope we have many years of your terrific views!
Ive been Blog SLACKING!!!
CONGRATS BananaZ!!!! A Whole year of Disney from my favorite Boston Girl!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hit year 5 and 10 😀
Congratulations on your Blogiversary! Subscribed via RSS, too.
Suzannah, I’m not posting to try and win the audio guides or magazines, or even Doug’s great app 😉
Just wanted to say congratulations and wish you a very happy anniversary. Your love of Disney comes through on the blog, and as I know how difficult it can be sometimes to create the content and keep the blog updated, I also wanted to thank you for sharing your passion with others.
Keep up the great work, and we’ll celebrate again next year!
Hey Sister, I’m not really leaving a comment for a prize, but to tell you that I adore you. Congratulations on making it a year. You are a gem! This blog is wonderful, and I’m so glad I got to meet you this year!
Happy anniversary may you have many more! I tweeted! facebooked and joined! Hope the next year brings many new adventures.
Thanks so much, Lou – you are amazing as always to take the time to comment and make *my* day! Are you sure you don’t want to be in the running? Those audio guides are FABULOUS! 😉
Great prizes, thanks!
We love Disney and would love to have these guides.
This is just what I need
I gfc
Being at WDW is so peaceful. Away from the days of work and chaos.
Congrats and best of luck in another year.
Happy Anniversary!
Just subscribed! happy anniversary! i am a huge lou mongello fan!
Congrats on a great first year!
Congrats on your anniversary.
[email protected]
Congrats on your anniversary, and thanks for this giveaway! Going in December (4th to 12th – will I be there on your birthday?). Can’t wait! Any of these prizes would be invaluable!
Congrats on your anniversary! We are headed down to Disney in Sept. and my kids are already so excited! (They will be celebrating their birthdays!)
I follow you with Google Friends!
I’m glad i bookmarked this page.
Happy Summer!
[email protected]
Adding my name to the pool! 🙂
Happy anniversary!
We’re taking my son to Disney for his birthday–the timing could be great!
I would love to win!!! Please count me in!
[email protected]
Happy anniversary! Time goes by fast huh?
I liked zannaland on facebook 🙂 suelee1998
I tweeted as well 🙂
Happy Anniversary