I saw someone post a link to these images on Facebook, and I knew I had to share them here. I love seeing mashups of Disney icons with unexpected pairings, and this is no exception. Rapunzel as Sailor Moon? Belle as Hermione? Brilliant! And Ariel as Black Widow looks great, although I do think Merida would’ve been a more apt choice for that character. Mulan as Xena:Warrior Princess seems to be a perfect fit! The art is byΒ Isaiah Stephens and you can see the full set of images (and more) at his tumblrΒ (where Merida IS a character). Who is your favorite and who would you like to see in a different costume?
What Would Historically Accurate Disney Princesses Look Like?
One artist, Claire Hummel has taken it upon herself to answer this question. She shares her creations at her Tumblr blog and her DeviantArt page. Claire has been sharing these visions since March of this year and according to her FAQ, plans to continue giving more Disney characters a fashionistically (yes, I just made that word up) accurate twist. I encourage you to visit her blog and seek out each original posting, as she goes into detail about the process behind her decisions for each look as well as sharing some videos of the process. In the meantime, I thought I’d post all of the current princesses she has shared to date – EDITED to add – she has now added Mulan, Tiana, and Rapunzel, which I’ve updated below. Check out her links above for more info and to purchase prints! (click to enlarge)
What are your thoughts? Which is your favorite? Which character would you like to see represented next?