Disney DVD/Blu-rays
Toy Story 3. If you don’t already have it, get it. Read my Toy Story 3 review if you’d like too.
Video Games
Epic Mickey. Must-have for every Disney fan this season. I’ve heard nothing but amazing reviews about it! Click the name to the left to read more about it or just click the game below to bring home the magic!
Dooney and Bourke Exclusively for Disney Parks Available at DisneyStore.com. Need I say more?? Ok, I will anyway. As you’ve seen here on ZannaLand, Disney has come out with a new balloon design most recently in both black and white backgrounds. Check them out at the parks or DisneyStore.com. If anyone wants to send me one, I’ll take a black “Susanna” style! 😉
Disney Couture
For the Disney fashonista or simply the Disney fan that has it all, you can find some incredibly unique, stylish or downright gorgeous items within the Disney Couture line, available both in the Parks and at DisneyStore.com. I know I have a few things on my wishlist there!
How gorgeous is this Princess Tiana scarf??
Other Disney Gifts
Tinkerella Creations – My good friend and fellow Moms Panelist Oh Amanda clued me in to this adorable etsy store. Just one look and you’ll want your children outfitted in everything you see. I’m thinking of bribing my 11 and 10 year-olds to wear these!! I absolutely love the Briar Rose and Cinderella work clothes outfits. Her motto is “every day is a good day to be a fairy princess” and I couldn’t agree more!
If after all this you still cannot find the perfect gift, that problem is solved with a Disney Gift Card. Let your Disney fan pick whatever their heart desires in stores, online and in the parks!
Hah you call it the HoliDaze too! I love couture anything!! So add Disney and I am so there.
I want Epic Mickey!
Hah you call it the HoliDaze too! I love couture anything!! So add Disney and I am so there.
I am NOT only LOVING the Outfits for the girls and the Disney Dooney But I am DROOLING over the Tiana scarf…. someone alert James to this please!!!!! ASAP!!!!
I saw the scarf on the disneystore site and it is so pretty!
I saw the scarf on the disneystore site and it is so pretty!