Who doesn’t love pirates? (Aside from those being pillaged and plundered of course…) And who doesn’t love Pirates (of the Caribbean that is)? No one I know! Well let’s get right down to the pirate-speak and get ye a chance to plunder some treasure.
The dvd and blu-ray are on shelves today, October 18, but you could win a copy without giving up a single one of your pieces of eight, or setting fire to a single village. And there be great bonus features on this shiny treasure. Just look at some of the concept art:
To enter, simply comment below (pirate speak optional but encouraged!) with your favorite character from any of the Pirates of the Caribbean films (or attractions!).
Earn additional entries by:
Hitting “Like” on Zannaland’s facebook page
Tweeting about the giveaway – you can copy and paste this into your tweet:
“Avast! There be treasure @Zannaland .com & I be settin’ my sails to plunder it. Ye can too http://t.co/ii5YC77A #PoTC4Giveaway “
Please comment below for each additional entry so I can count and enter them in the total entries. Thanks and may fortune favor ye!
Giveaway ends on Sunday, October 23 at midnight eastern time. Winner will be posted Monday on this page.
Congrats to Audrey Bloomberg who was our winner chosen at random! Please email me your mailing address at zanna @ zannaland.com 😀
And if ye aren’t chosen, ye can still get $5 off the dvd+blu-ray combo pack by clicking below!
tracileigh says
I love Capt. Jack Sparrow. I can’t help myself.
tracileigh says
I already like Zannaland on FB. 🙂
tracileigh says
Oh..and I tweeted about it too: https://twitter.com/#!/TraciLeigh/status/126424864314753025
Sean E says
Will Turner has always been my favorite. Well, him and the guy with the wooden eyeball.
Sean E says
I already like you on FB. (Sean Eyring)
Sean E says
…and I be Tweetin’ about it as well. @seaneyring:twitter
jjzmgailey says
I’m like Traci, Captain Jack Sparrow is my fave!
jjzmgailey says
I already like Zannaland on Facebook!
jjzmgailey says
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/jjzmgailey/statuses/126434658907987968
Ashley @ Mama of All Trades says
Capt Jack be a might fine treasure for the eyes. I’d be his strumpet any day.
Ashley @ Mama of All Trades says
I like zannaland on FB.
Ashley @ Mama of All Trades says
Brent says
Drink up me Harties, Yo Ho!!! – Capt’n Jack Sparrow
Brent says
I tweeted about it!! https://twitter.com/#!/MauiMickey702/status/126438550538436609
Brent says
I liked Zannaland on Facebook!
Ani Wilson says
I like Captain Jack of course!!
Ani Wilson says
Like you on FB
Ani Wilson says
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/aniheartsjapan/status/126460378375913473
Cynthia Boris says
Other than Captain Jack, I love that monkey! He rules!
tilley62 says
Capt Jack Sparrow – Obvi but the monkey is a close second! Already an FB friend!
kathy says
They’re really bad eggs, but I love them all, but my favorite is arrr.. Will Turner.
Jacqueline Hudson says
My all time favorite character from the ride and the first movie will always be the dog with the keys – although Jack Sparrow is a very close second
Breanne says
Jack Sparrow is my favorite
bmweida at yahoo dot com
Audrey Bloomberg says
Arrr Cap’n Jack be me favorite
Audrey Bloomberg says
I like your FaceBook page
Zanna says
Congrats! Your comment was chosen and you’ve won the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides dvd! 😀