I absolutely loved Brave when it came out, perhaps because of the strong mother-daughter theme, perhaps because of the simply gorgeous animation from Pixar. Either way, I was thrilled to be sent the Brave 5-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray, Blu-Ray 3D, DVD and Digital Copy. It really IS the ultimate collector’s edition and though I don’t currently have a 3D television, a girl can dream!
If you loved Brave in theatres, you will love the stunning landscapes and flowing red hair brought right to your living room. There are some really wonderful bonus features on the Blu-Ray, including a second Blu-Ray bonus disc:
· “La Luna” Theatrical Short – Fans will love this charming short that accompanied the film in theatres. It follows a young boy on his first night working the family business alongside his father and grandfather.
· “The Legend of Mor’du” Short – This rousing new bonus short film will give fans the chance to delve deeper into the legend behind Mordu, as told by the eccentric witch who transformed him.
· Brave Old World – Fans will watch as members of the “Brave” production team investigate Scotland, exploring its land, culture, people and dialects. The research they gathered was brought thrillingly to life in thefilm. Also, fans will hear what actress Emma Thompson (voice of Queen Elinor) thinks of Pixar’s take on her homeland.
· Merida & Elinor – With the creation of Merida and Elinor, the Pixar filmmakers delved deep into the relationship between mother and daughter. Highlighting contrasts in character design, clothing, animation, voicing, even hairstyle, watch how the filmmakers explored this most important of relationships.
· Bears – Take a look inside the art and design behind the bears in “Brave.” Each of the bears, gentle Mum-Bear and terrifying Mor’du, demanded a different approach to creating their physical appearance and personality.
· Brawl in the Hall – A fascinating and hilarious inside look at the process of creating “Brave’s” fighting Scots, through animation, crowd simulation and fight choreography – not to mention a room full of grunting men whose vocal chortles added authenticity to the raucous scene.
· Wonder Moss – Fans will explore how “Brave’s” technical artists examined the real Scottish countryside and studied the laws of nature, then turned thesefindings into computer codes that would blanket Merida’s Scotland in lush moss, lichen and bracken.
· Magic –The magic and mystery of Scotland is revealed to fans in this charming feature about the legends – from mystical potions to the will-o’-the-wisps – seen in “Brave.”
· Clan Pixar – At Pixar, getting into character is a team effort. From making Haggis to Kilt Fridays to celebrating the Scottish poet Robert Burns, fans will see how the “Brave” production crew truly embraced Scottish themes and customs fueled the Pixar crew throughout the creation of “Brave.”
· Once Upon A Scene – A closer look at the evolution of the storylines throughout the production of the film, including alternative openings to the film and many deleted scenes.
· Extended Scenes – Three separate scenes are highlighted in their extended form. Director Mark Andrews discusses the decision making process that led to the shortened versions of these scenes.
· Director Commentary
· “Fergus & Mor’du” An Alternate Opening – Once upon a time, “Brave” had a different opening scene. Eventually cut from the film, fans can see it in its entirety in this bonus feature narrated by the film’s director Mark Andrews.
· Fallen Warriors Montage – A selection of deleted shots that were cut from the film late in production are presented to fans in various stages ofcompletion through a video montage narrated by director Mark Andrews.
· Dirty Hairy People – Fans will enjoy this uproarious bonus feature discussing the development of “Brave’s” Scots – including the design of their hair, attire, and dirt-crusted physiques.
· It is English…Sort Of – This bonus feature helps fans interpret some of the more Scottish lines in the film, thanks to the real Scottish actors who play the key characters and contributed their own dialects and sayings.
· Angus – A look at Merida’s most trusted companion, Angus, a mighty Clydesdale.
· The Tapestry – Fans will learn the story behind this embroidered emblem of family unity, which was lovingly crafted by “Brave’s” team of artists.
· Promotional Pieces – This bonus includes promotional clips for “Brave,” including: “Feast Yer Eyes,” “Relics,” “Clan DunBroch,” “Launch,” and more.
· Art Gallery – A selection of breathtaking art from the creation of the film, showcasing characters, sets, scenes and stunning landscapes.
· Wee Gaffes – A video montage of simulation, animation and shot bloopers.
· Renaissance Animation Man – Get a look at Director Mark Andrews’ love of Scotland, sword-fighting, music and more!
Definitely worth picking up for all of that additional content. The bonus features will keep you laughing and wanting to spend more time in Merida’s world. You can choose your own fate and decide whether to add the Brave Blu-ray or the Ultimate Collector’s Edition to your Disney movie collection. Whatever you decide, bring the breathtaking Brave home to your family today.
Disclosure: I was provided the Ultimate Collectors Edition discs for review purposes but all opinions are my own. Links included are affiliate links. Thanks!